🚀Attention: To enhance your experience, please download the game! 

🗒️< Short description:

> Play as a convict cleaning up space debris in the Solar System. Navigate through junk fields, sort useful items, and avoid dangers. Collect enough points to earn your freedom. (playtime  10 minutes)

🗃️< Tutorial:

> E - to interact

> Mouse2 - to zoom

> No pause in game 

  • Find the coordinates to clear the area.
  • Direct the spaceship to these coordinates.
  • Launch garbage from space into the ship.
  • Choose the jewels and leave the stones on the table.
  • Finish sorting by using the terminal and get your score.
  • Repeat until you achieve the required number of scores. Or until something interesting happens

  • ✉️< Tips:

    > You can zoom in terminal, but to continue typing, please interact with terminal again.

    > To set target use goto command, for example: goto 1111 1111 111

    > Here is only one ending available in the game, and to get it, you need to do the work as expected and read the messages that come to you by email. (playtime  10 minutes)

    > Breakdowns are possible on the spaceship, but fortunately, there is a command in the console that can help solve this problem.

    🎁< Lore (Can Be Read In-Game)

    > ENG:

    > Decades ago, humanity's relentless pursuit of resources in the Solar System nearly led to its destruction. Wars and unchecked extraction left planets and moons scarred and filled space with debris. In the aftermath, with resources depleted, a fragile truce was established, and the remnants of civilization were scattered across space stations and starships.

    >Survivors faced the daunting task of cleaning up the mess and salvaging usable resources. A new industry emerged, dedicated to this cosmic recycling effort.


    >Десятилетия назад беспощадная охота человечества за ресурсами в Солнечной системе почти привела к его разрушению. Войны и необузданная добыча оставили планеты и луны в руинах, заполнив космос обломками. В результате ресурсы были истощены, и было установлено хрупкое перемирие, оставив останки цивилизации разбросанными по космическим станциям и звездным кораблям.

    >Выжившие столкнулись с огромной задачей по уборке мусора и спасению полезных ресурсов. Возникла новая отрасль, посвященная космическому переработочному процессу.

    Published 9 days ago
    PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
    Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
    (1 total ratings)
    Tags3D, Horror, Mystery, Sci-fi, Space


    CosmicCleanupCrew.Windows.rar 21 MB
    CosmicCleanupCrew.Linux.rar 27 MB
    CosmicCleanupCrew.MacOS.app.rar 25 MB

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